Monday, January 18, 2010

Day of Social Justice

Today was my day to blog and I had so many things to talk with you about: pre-op counseling, clinic finances, provider security, reproductive health in emergency settings. I was itching to write!

But today was also the Martin Luther King, Jr., holiday, and between going to a meeting, going to a cemetery, going to a memorial exhibit, and scrambling to get some work done, not only did I neglect to blog before 8pm, I also neglected to eat before 8pm.

I'll be back later in the week with some thoughts and stuff. In the meantime, don't forget to donate to organizations doing relief work in Haiti: how about MSF/Doctors Without Borders (emergency medical treatment in the direst of situations), CARE (large-scale capacity for mobilizing needed Stuff like water purifiers, mosquito nets, obstetric kits), or Partners In Health (healthcare provider for the most marginalized with 20 years of continuous presence)? Read this or this (two among many very knowledgeable aid bloggers) to get a sense of where your contribution will be of most help (and least hindrance).

Thanks for reading. See you soon.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your link to Doctors Without Borders. I viewed a research article regarding violence in Haiti, publishes March 2009. I started to cry--how people worry for me! DWB make an incredible difference in a trifling world...:(


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