Friday, December 4, 2009

Fun Feminist Friday: Pussy Manifesto

Someday I want to write my own pussy manifesto. Until then, I refer to Bitch and Animal.


  1. Yuck yuck that is my least favorite word in the English language. That is my only qualm here :)

  2. anti-anti, me too! it doesn't sound as gross to me as it used to, but still -- sounds like a cross between a babytalk word and a gooey texture, which is grossing me out even as i type it. yesterday i used it in an sardonic-type quoting of another person and even with scare-quotes it was blech.

    i'm afraid of sounding anti-woman/anti-vag for saying so, but then again i don't mind other vulvar nicknames so it's probably not true. also, it's not fair that dudes picked a gross-sounding word to associate with my body!

    ha anyway...


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