I’m often in awe of the strength of women. In my experience, women who seek abortions often exhibit the most strength I’ve witnessed. In awe? Yes. Strengthened myself as a result? Yes. So women who stick their tongues out at abortion stigma and announce to others they’ve had one, and announce loudly and proudly publicly they’ve had an abortion (and to get off their backs), amaze me even more. I’m saddened it must amaze me (stigma, stigma, stigma), but still, I respect the strength.
Jennie Linn McCormack is one of these women. She’s from Idaho. Pocatello, Idaho. And if any of you know much about Idaho, you know just how conservative it is. You may not know this, but, Idaho is one of the states that made it illegal to have an abortion after 20 weeks’ gestation. Jennie was arrested in May for having an abortion (which would’ve required her to go to Salt Lake City, Utah as there aren’t any providers in Idaho that go beyond 14 weeks. She didn't have the financial means to do this, as many women don't.). Allegedly, she performed a self-induced abortion. Get this: her sister’s “friend” called her in to authorities. If you want to read more about Jennie Linn McCormick’s situation, you can read here; but obviously, since we’re abortioneers, we’re supportive of her decision to seek an abortion after 20 weeks, regardless of her reasons. Well, anyway, charges were dropped, but she has now filed a lawsuit challenging the “fetal pain abortion ban.” Jennie is pressing charges against the state saying the ban is unconstitutional as it doesn’t allow for maternal or fetal indications (as reason for abortion later in the pregnancy) as Roe v Wade promises.
I'm incredibly sad that Jennie Linn didn't know about other resources that may have been available to help her obtain a safe, legal abortion. The Justice Fund within the National Abortion Federation is a national abortion fund that can help women in Idaho pay for their abortions (they also help women from any other state where Medicaid doesn't cover abortions). I'm not sure if she ever contacted a clinic, but if she did, I can only hope they tried to connect her to the National Abortion Federation. And hopefully, then, she would've spoken to an individual who would've brainstormed with her and helped with case management in order to get her to a clinic to have an abortion either in Boise, Idaho; Spokane, Washington; Seattle, Washington; Salt Lake City, Utah; or Portland, Oregon. Traveling to such places can place a huge hardship on women, like Jennie; but there are some clinics and abortion funds that will help women pay for the cost of travel, pay for hotels, or set clients up with volunteers so they can stay in their homes.
I think Jennie Linn is a hero for pressing charges against the state and for bringing to light the lack of access to abortion services in Idaho. Whether she realizes it or not, she is facing stigma straight on and telling it to go suck itself. She’s telling the lawmakers in Idaho to do the same. All the while, she’s standing up for all Idaho women – women who are totally undeserved – in hopes of helping pave the way for better rights.
Jennie Linn McCormack. You rock.
Thanks AAG! PS, I think your link to her story is broken.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny how antis will (and likely have already) demonize JLM and call her a baby-killer and decry the horrors of abortion, when after all it's their crappy laws that put her in a self-aborting situation anyway. Just tickles me.
I believe you have her name misspelled - Jennie Linn McCormack.
ReplyDeleteIm heartbroken for her, she is alienated in her little town, no one will give her a job, no one speaks to her, she cannot get any aid, and her bd is in jail- :( I wish I knew her so I could be her friend, no matter what anyone would say. I KNOW what that decision is like--- It's one every woman wishes she never has to make, but is THANKFUL that she has the choice when faced with what to do. I wonder if she ever googles herself, and if she would ever see this... If she does-- You have love comin' from all the way from Pennsylvania. Keep your head up. You are human, and you made a choice--- NO ONE ELSE HAS A RIGHT TO MAKE YOU FEEL BAD ABOUT YOURSELF. You aren't alone in this great wide world, there are lots of us who had to make such a choice--and there are lots of us who made the choice for the same exact reasons you did. With time, things will get better. Remember to love yourself. :)
DeleteYou sound lovely. Your comment was very thoughtful. I deeply apologize for only seeing it now, nearly a year later!
Thank you very much for stopping by our blog and commenting. Most importantly, thank you for showing support for Jennie Linn McCormack.
Oubli - thank you for that note about the correct spelling of her name. I've made the changes. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteSynapse, what a kind heart you have. I hope, too, that Jennie Linn can find this post and see your kind words and the love you're sending her from PA. I can't imagine how she's feeling in her small little town. I love that you said you'd be her friend. <3
I just stumbled on the story and happen to live in Pocatello. I too wish I could be Jennie's friend, I've been in her shoes (in California where thankfully, it's much easier to terminate a pregnancy)and really want her to know that she is not alone and that someone in Pocatello is on her side.
ReplyDeleteSo, so lovely and thoughtful of you Allons-y. I certainly hope that Jennie knows she has the support she does!
DeleteHi Allons-y!
ReplyDeleteThat's a lovely sentiment. I just stumbled upon this story tonight. You should go to the FB page - "We support Jennie Linn McCormack"..I noticed that two women in Pocatello had expressed similar thoughts in their postings, and I believe the page administrator referred their contact info to Jennie. :)
JenT -
Deletethank you very much for sharing this information! We, too, the Abortioneers, will find her page! Love that people in Pocatello are showing her some love!