Remember Dr. Cool Beans Carhart? Well, he had to move his practice to Germantown, MD because Nebraska won't allow him to practice late-pregnancy abortions anymore. So he FLIES TO MARYLAND EVERY WEEK to serve clients. What a mensch.
Buuuuuut not everyone thinks so.
Can you wait for Summer of Mercy 2.0?!?!?!?! The first Summer of Mercy happened in 1991, when a crowd of antis protested outside Dr. Tiller's clinic for days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days and days just being plain assholes. To hear them tell it, the world watched the entire time on the news with bated breath, awaiting the ultimate victory that was the end of abortion. In reality, a lot of them were arrested and they were a general nuisance to local law enforcement, clinic staff, and bystanders.
Now they are reprising their roles as nutjobs at Dr. Carharts clinic in Maryland. FUUUUUUU! Please send your moral support his way, as his safety and that of his staff, patients, and their companions is severely compromised! If you are an escort based in the DC/MD/VA area and want to help defend the clinic, I recommend lending a hand. "Festivities" begin July 30 and go through August 6. Please keep the loyal and noble Abortioneers of Germantown in mind through what is sure to be a balls out shitshow (emphasis on the "SHIT").
I'm raising $$$ for the Summer of Choice. Please consider a donation to help women in need. Here's my link or donate to your favorite prochoicer.